Current Projects

Summer Seminars

Summer seminars on science, sustainability, culture, and sports

School Restoration

Restoration of old school at Listaros that shall become the future home of Klimatogi

Greek - German History

We recommend reading the "Black Book of Occupation" edited by the National Council for the Claim of Debts of Germany to Greece . You can find the Greek and German version here and the Greek and English Version here.

Perpetual Projects

Municipality of Phaistos

Recurrent interactions with municipality of Phaistos on various issues

Region of Crete

Recurrent interactions with region of Crete on cultural and infrastructure matters

Fire protection

Improvement of infrastructure, meetings with cheif of fire brigade, steup of volunteer firefighters network


Support of and participation at national and international biodiversity projects

Community of Kouses/Listaros

Information about the obligations and duties of the president of the community


Set up of a compost area for cut branches and grasses to avoid burning and preserve biomass

Modern Folklore of Listaros

Our new blog with beautiful and funny stories about this place.

Completed Projects


The self-organized recycling of plastic and aluminium project was abandoned as the municipality now officially started recycling again.


The self-organized recycling of plastic and aluminium project was abandoned as the municipality now officially started recycling again.


Setup of a digital infrastructure and governance structure for Klimatogi


Progressive reforestation of landscape in and around Listaros

Container Fence Construction

Construction of a fence around the garbage container toward the Odigitria Monastery.